RSS 2020.

Performing Arts Robots & Technologies, Integrated (PAR-TI)

Images from the workshop:

“Dance Prototyping: Communicating Group Membership and Relational Attitudes via Multi-Robot Expressive Motion” by Alexandra Bacula, Kamron Kayhani, Jennifer McCloskey, Dana Reason, and Heather Knight (see link in accepted papers section below!)

Ken Goldberg shared updates on his work AlphaGarden.

Lots of lively discussion through the workshop.

Schedule (Sunday July 12 in Pacific Daylight Time, UTC -7)

8:30am Introduction and Introductions
9am Keynote: Sydney Skybetter
9:30am  Paper presentations: Naoko Abe, and Alexandra BaculaJanani Swaminathan
9:45am Panel: Performing Art Robots During a Global Pandemic: Petra GemeinboeckKen Goldberg, Wendy JuKate Ladenheim, and Dana Reason
10:15am “(PAR)TEA BREAK”
10:30am Keynote: Guy Hoffman
11:00am Interactive workshop with working groups
12:00pm Group lunch (optional)


Registration is now closed.


Naomi Fitter, Oregon State University,

Heather Knight, Oregon State University,

Amy LaViers, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,


Bringing robots to human-facing scenarios poses new challenges for roboticists; one resource in navigating these challenges is the performing arts, where experts routinely design meaningful moments through choreographed, expressive onstage bodies. This lively workshop brings experts from the performing arts and engineering together to address the opportunities at this intersection. It will feature selected posters, performances, and keynotes from esteemed members of each discipline who are working at this intersection already. This workshop is organized in parallel with a robot variety show at the Corvallis Majestic Theater on the evening of July 14, which will feature selected workshop participants. As part of the workshop, participants will also have the opportunity to contribute to new performance creations. 

Keynotes:  Sydney Skybetter and Guy Hoffman
Invited pandemic-themed panel: Petra GemeinboeckKen Goldberg, Wendy JuKate Ladenheim, and Dana Reason

Pilot Classification of Human-Robot Dance Performances
by Naoko Abe, Kate Maguire-Rosier, and Fiona Andreallo

Using Street-Performance Style Robot Comedians To Attract Audiences For HRI Studies
by Janani Swaminathan, Sowmya Jujjuri, and Heather Knight

Dance Prototyping: Communicating Group Membership and Relational Attitudes via Multi-Robot Expressive Motion
by Alexandra Bacula, Kamron Kayhani, Jennifer McCloskey, Dana Reason, and Heather Knight

Important Dates

Submission deadline: April 30, 2020
Notification date: May 15, 2020
Finalized submission deadline: May 30, 2020
Workshop date: July 12, 2020 RSS will now be a virtual event in light of precautions for coronavirus.  We are working to make this the best virtual “parti” ever!

Call for performances (expired):

Prospective participants should prepare a 1- to 3-page abstract. Submissions should be related to robots in the performing arts, and will be scored based on relevance to the workshop theme, novelty, and quality. Submissions that would like to be considered for live performance at RSS (in the workshop and/or robot variety show) should include a video (10 minutes maximum length) showcasing the robotic performance itself. Authors should use the RSS paper format when preparing their manuscripts and submit manuscripts and video links to by 11:59pm PST on April 30, 2020. Accepted authors of performances will be expected to present during the morning of the workshop, and accepted papers will be presented during a poster session in the afternoon. At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the workshop.