Summer Presentations.

This summer four students, Harshey Aggarwal, Jojo Liang, Jared Rosenbaum, and Taojun Wang, completed remote independent studies at the lab.  Their presentations included a proposed abstraction system for Zoom meetings that may help study when someone is listening (Harshey and Jojo), a quantitative study of tai chi (Taojun), and a reflection on the “human-likeness” inherentContinue reading “Summer Presentations.”

MOCO 2020

The RAD Lab presented 3 new works at MOCO 2020 this week.  (And check out Babyface on the homepage of the next MOCO in 2022!) R. Kaushik, A. K. Mishra (Siemens), and A. LaViers. “Feasible Stylized Mo- tion: Robotic Manipulator Imitation of a Human Demonstration with Collision Avoidance and Style in Increasingly Cluttered Environments.” 7th InternationalContinue reading “MOCO 2020”


over the past 7 years, the RAD Lab has employed 43 different people (myself included) in this federally-funded organization working in #robotics. for #juneteenth, inspired by @pullupforchange, I want to acknowledge the lack of diversity on this team.  while we’ve had 49% people of color work in the lab and 47% women, only 19% were womenContinue reading “transparency.”

Allison Bushman, M.S.

Congrats to Allison Bushman on her (virtual!) graduation and master’s thesis entitled “Evaluation of human-like teleoperated robot motion through performance, perception, and preference-based studies”.  This is a picture of Allison (center), along with Reika McNish and Austin Hamlett, taking a rock climbing class during ME 598 — next she taught a class on gymnastics inContinue reading “Allison Bushman, M.S.”

HRI 2020

Although HRI 2020 was canceled this year, we are really excited that everyone can watch the virtual presentation by Kate Ladenheim (also in the picture above) describing our paper in this year’s proceedings “Live Dance Performance Investigating the Feminine Cyborg Metaphor with a Motion-activated Wearable Robot” by Kate Ladenheim, Reika McNish, Wali Rizvi, and AmyContinue reading “HRI 2020”

Event Moving Virtual — IPRH-sponsored Participatory Performance Cancelled

Due to the new campus policy regarding COVID-19, “Circuit Circus presents: Saunter, Skitter, Stride: a Participatory Event to Study Locomotion Styles in Humans and Robots”, is cancelled.  We are moving to a virtual format and will update this page with details as soon as we have them! Description: The IPRH Research cluster “Understanding Movement StyleContinue reading “Event Moving Virtual — IPRH-sponsored Participatory Performance Cancelled”